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Top of the Mark —
Volunteer Award

Top of the Mark - Volunteer Award
This award honors the networking professional who has made the most effective combination of the ideals of professionalism and is a notable example of the best in giving back through selfless effort.

Soumitra Sengupta is a 10 year Technology Community Leader, awarded the Community Star by Microsoft India (2002) and participant in Microsoft News Groups in since 2003. He is an awarded Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional Award (MVP) since 2003 and the Voice of Community Hero Award in April, 2009, Soumitra is an IT Pro Group Leader, active in GITCA, a UG Lead Windows Support User Group, an administrator of, and is actively associated with Microsoft Answers. He was a top contributor in help and troubleshooting in Microsoft News Group worldwide before its discontinua-tion. Soumitra is meeting the challenge to create awareness for the local people about the latest technologies happening around the world. He founded Windows Support UG, a local user group that organizes events on Microsoft technologies and helps people both online and offline. This user group is GITCA associated and the only user group in the entire North East India!

Read the Interview of Soumitra Sengupta at NPA

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